If you've ever wondered how to control the headlight of a car from a microcontroller, a MOSFET is what you need. The FQP27P06 is a very common MOSFET with very low on-resistance and a control voltage (aka gate voltage) that is compatible with most 5V microcontroller or mechanical switches. This allows you to control high-power devices with very low-power control mechanisms.
These P-FETs can switch over 60V and 25A (with proper heat-sinking) and are TO-220 package so they fit nicely into any breadboard or perfboard. Heat sinking is easy with TO-220s, but because of the very low Rds(on) of down to 70 mOhms (depending on the Vgs - check the datasheet) you can get away with no heatsinking for pretty high loads! The threshhold voltage is up to 5V for 20A of current, so you can control it directly from a microcontroller running on 5V logic.