SparkFun Single Lead Heart Rate Monitor - AD8232

The AD8232 SparkFun Single Lead Heart Rate Monitor is a cost-effective board used to measure the electrical activity of the heart. This electrical activity can be charted as an ECG or Electrocardiogram and output as an analog reading. ECGs can be extremely noisy, the AD8232 Single Lead Heart Rate Monitor acts as an op amp to help obtain a clear signal from the PR and QT Intervals easily.

MyoWare Muscle Sensor Development Kit

Using our muscles to control things is the way that most of us are accustomed to doing it. We push buttons, pull levers, move joysticks…but what if we could take the buttons, levers and joysticks out of the equation? This is the MyoWare Muscle Sensor Development Kit, an Arduino-powered, electromyography (EMG) sensor kit that provides you with a MyoWare Muscle Sensor, each MyoWare shield developed here at SparkFun, and everything you need to connect them all together.

3.5inch RPi LCD (A)


  • 320×480 resolution
  • Resistive touch control
  • Supports any revision of Raspberry Pi (directly-pluggable)
  • Drivers provided (works with your own Raspbian/Ubuntu directly)
  • Size perfectly fits the Pi
  • High quality immersion gold surface plating
  • Supports Raspbian system, enables your system to:
    • Take photos by touching (up to 17 camera modes)
    • Support software keyboard (system interaction without keyboard/mouse)