This board combines 5 sensors into a single tiny package. Convenient to expirement with different sensors or used together as an inertial management unit. They are all accessible via I2C bus.
Comes with straight and right angle headers.
Part NumberI2C Address
3 Axis GyroST Microelectronics L3G4200D 0x69Datasheet
3 Axis AccelerometerAnalog Devices ADXL345 0x53Datasheet
3 Axis MagnetometerHoneywell MC5883L0x1EDatasheet
Barometer + ThermometerBosch BMP0850x77Datasheet
All sensors are accessible via I2C bus for basic operation so you will only need 4 wires to get started:
- GND - Ground
- Supply voltage. GY80 is 5v and 3.3v compatible. Use one of the following depending on your interface voltage:
- VCC - For +5v power. If using with boards such as an Arduino UNO, Leonardo, Micro, Mega.
- VCC_3.3v - For +3.3v power. If using with boards such as an Arduino Due.
- SCL - I2C Clock
- SDA - I2C Data
The quickest way to verify your board is connected properly is running the following I2C scanner program. This simple sketch will print the I2C address of all discovered devices to the serial monitor.
GY-80 has the following sensors on board:
Barometer and thermometer - Measures atmospheric pressure and temperature. Used for weather applications and estimating altitude.
3 Axis Accelerometer - Measures acceleration. Can be used to sense linear motion, vibration, and infer orientation and force.
3 Axis Gyroscope - Measures angular rotation which can be used to infer orientation.
3 Axis Magnetometer - Measures strength and direction of magnetic fields. Can be used as a compass to determine bearing.