Hack Your raspberry Pi!! Now that you've finally got your hands on a Raspberry Pi , you're probably itching to make some fun embedded computer projects with it. What you need is an add on prototyping Pi Cobbler from Vilros, which can break out all those tasty power, GPIO, I2C and SPI pins from the 40 pin header onto a solderless breadboard. This mini kit will make "cobbling together" prototypes with the Pi super easy. The Pi Cobbler comes with a 40 pin ribbon cable, and an assembled custom PCB with ribbon cable socket and header pins. The cable plugs between the Pi computer and the Cobbler breakout. The Cobbler can plug into any solderless breadboard . The Cobbler PCB has all the pins labeled nicely so you can go forth and build circuits without keeping a pin-out printout at your desk. We think this will make it more fun to expand the Pi and build custom circuitry with it. The Vilros Pi Cobbler is compatible with The raspberry Pi model B+ 40 Pin Please note, this kit only contains a 40pin ribbon cable, a custom PCB, ribbon cable socket and header pins. A Raspberry Pi, breadboard, breadboarding wires, cables, components, case, power supply, etc is not included!